Friday Night, May 17: University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA) 525 S State St Ann Arbor, MI 48108
5:30–6:30 PM Social Gathering, Meet our Members (ample hors d’oeuvres, as well as wine and beer)
We will enter the main entrance (no steps involved) then check in at table. We will then go up the stairs (there is also an elevator) to the main foyer.
6:30 PM Welcome and Congratulations on Creating Hope in the World- 2023-2024!!
Opening Remarks- Col Smith, District Governor for District 6380
6:40 PM How Can Art Create Hope in the World- a fun and engaging way to appreciate art.
8:30 PM Conclude and get ready for tomorrow!
7:30-8:30 AM Club Hub Set Up (for those that are participating) Please note: Those members coming from long distances can set up at our first break around 10:50 AM.
8:30-9:00 AM Breakfast (rolls, juices coffee)
9:00 AM Opening Ceremonies
9:15 AM Welcome/ Ringing of the Bell-President Mark Foster, Rotary Club of Ann Arbor
9:20 AM President Mark Foster introduces DG Col Smith, District Governor 6380
9:25 AM District Governor Col Smith- Welcome: Creating Hope Through Our Youth Programs
9:30 AM Youth Exchange- District Chair Pattie Courtney and very special guests, our YE students
Our very special Youth Exchange Students will share their experiences and how our YE Rotary program made an impact on them.
9:55 AM Rotary Youth Leadership- District Chair Kristina Schofer and very special guests from our recent RYLA program
High school students from around our District will share their experiences and how our RYLA program made an impact on them.
10:20- 10:45 AM Interact- Very Special Guests- Interact President Sarah Ketchum, of the Howell Interact Club, and Interact President Adarsh Nadgir, of the Skyline (Ann Arbor North) Interact Club
Joining Interact Presidents Sarah and Adarsh will be members of their respective clubs to share their experience with Interact Day in Brighton, Michigan, and their projects they have worked on (successes and challenges). Interact President Adarsh will share why they wanted to set up an Interact Club and how they went about getting support from students, a faculty sponsor, and Ann Arbor Rotary North. Please note- we will be having a Youth Programs table at our Club Hub for those that want to learn more from our Youth leaders.
10:45- 11:15 Rochester Rotary Club- How to make Youth Programs Work
Rochester Rotary has had great success in Youth Programs- having their 3 Interact Clubs raise $75,000 for Shelter Box, a very successful Youth Exchange Program, and sending many students to our recent Rotary Youth Leadership. Let’s learn How they do it.
11:15-12:15 PM Club Hub/ Break- Anderson Room- one floor down
Enjoy fellowship, meet new friends, and check out the projects/programs of our fellow Rotarians in the Anderson Room- one floor down from the Ballroom.
12:15-1:00 PM Lunch- yes- back up to the Ballroom for lunch
1:00-2:00 PM Keynote Speaker- Leadership
Dr. Steven P. Bucci, Colonel, U.S. Army Special Forces (ret.) Dr. Bucci, has had an incredible career in the military, and then made a very successful transition to the private sector. He will share why the importance of service and leadership during youth- plays such an important role for the future. As Rotarians- how can we do better to mentor and provide wonderful leadership opportunities for our youth?
2:15-3:15 PM Keynote Speaker- Leadership/Technology Dr. Brown is a former GM Executive and is the retired Vice President & Chief Technologist for Delphi Automotive Systems.
Dr. Andrew Brown, Jr., serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Center of Automative Research in Ann Arbor. He is a former GM Executive and is the retired Vice President and Chief Technologist for Delphi Automotive Systems. Whether our youth finds passion in an automotive career or just enjoys the fun of driving electric vehicles or hybrids- the developing technology will shape and impact their lives.
3:30-4:20 PM Keynote Speakers on Mental Health
Larry Kenemore, Rotary Club of Arkansas and retired paramedic. Larry is the Representative to the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime Special Consultative Status. This Rotary Group is the only one to have status at the UN, other than Rotary International. Larry is the Rotary Action Group Addiction Prevention- North America Task Force Leader.
Steve Ahles, Rotary Club of Southgate and retired Fire Chief. Steve is currently Board member of Rotary Action Group-Addiction Prevention North America. Please note- Both Larry and Steve were written up in the January issue of our Rotary Magazine with the cover: The Race To Save Lives.
Connie Conklin, Rotary Club of Livingston Sunrise, Executive Director for Livingston County Community Mental Health. I had the pleasure of participating in a zoom call with Connie, and Superintendent Dr. Michael Hubert for Livingston County. Let’s learn what Livingston County and their school district are doing for our youth.
Nicolette Geff, LMSW, EDS has worked in the schools for 25 years. As the Mental Health Coordinator for Livingston Educational Service Agency, she works specifically with both local district teams and community agencies to support, coordinate, and enhance behavioral health programming in the school environment.
4:20- 4:35 PM Special Awards
We have some very special awards to recognize individuals in Rotary District 6380
4:35-6:40 PM Club Hub and Social Time! Anderson Room (One Floor Down) Cash Bar
Come enjoy fellowship, meet new friends, and learn what our Clubs are doing as we Create Hope in the World!
7:00 PM Dinner: Ballroom
8:00- 9:00 PM Entertainment- Wine, Women and Song!!
8:30-9:00 AM Breakfast
9:00-9:10 AM Celebration of Life- those we have lost this year.
9:10-9:30 AM Awards DGE Sharna Hatcher and DG Collyer Smith | Special Award/Grants for Creating Hope in the World- DGE Sharna Hatcher
9:30-10:00 AM Rotary International Board of Trustee Marty Helman- Peace Centers
10:00-11:30 AM FOUNDATION CELEBRATION!!!!! Joe Bauman- Foundation Chair
11:30 AM Closing Comments and Box lunch
Sat and Sunday will be at the newly $87 million dollar renovation--Michigan Student Union Building!
You don't want to miss it!