Your District 6380 Peace Committee Invites You!

Join Us in Building Peace

Our Mission:

  • To engage District 6380 Rotarians, Clubs, and our communities
  • To serve as a resource and support to them in implementing Rotary’s Pillar of Peace
Did You Know?
Promoting Peace is listed as Rotary's Number 1 Cause. It’s fair to say that everything Rotary does helps promote peace.
What projects has your club done recently that fulfill Rotary’s broad definition of peace building?
From John Hewko, General Secretary of Rotary International: "[We] are unofficial diplomats and peacebuilders of our age. When you build a system for clean water, you are a peacebuilder. When you help out a student struggling to graduate, you are a peacebuilder. When you launch any project to support education, health, or economic development in your local community, or elsewhere … YOU ARE BUILDING THE OPTIMAL CONDITIONS FOR POSITIVE PEACE."
Anchor Bay Peace Pole Dedication
 Why IS peace one of Rotary’s 7 Pillars?
★ Peace is more than the absence of violence.
★ Peace is more than ending wars.
★ Peace is ensuring there is justice for all.
The global economic impact of violence in 2022 was $17.5 trillion, according to the Institute for Economics and Peace’s 2023 Global Peace Index.

What We Do

● Promote the installation of peace poles and pollinator peace gardens; maintain a map of pole locations in our District and 6400
● Make presentations at clubs on Rotary’s efforts for peace, from international to local: “Taking Peace on the Road”
● Mentor clubs to become PeaceBuilder Clubs
● Offer a list of Peace Fellows as possible speakers for clubs
● Maintain a presence on the District website, with links to info on Peace Poles, becoming PeaceBuilder Clubs, Peace Fellow speakers, and upcoming events
● Staff a table with peace resources at District Conferences
● Support/Attend Taking Action for Peace online and in-person conference events
● Engage people in our communities to promote Rotary through peace pole dedications and other events open to the public
● Connect with Interact and Rotaract Clubs in our District; enlist their help/attendance at events. We’re ready to bring our presentation to your club: “What In the World Is Rotary Doing Around Its Pillar of Peace?” Contact Marcia Lane to schedule a speaker. or 734-395-4428
Your District Peace Committee meets quarterly via zoom. For more information, to be added to our email list, or for dates of future meetings please contact Marcia Lane at or 734-395-4428.
“The road to war is well-paved. The road to peace is a wilderness.”- Paul Harris, Founder of Rotary International